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Sorenesss that is more intense on the second day

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Q: Which symptoms are normal to experience after strenuous exercise?
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Is a pulse rate of 146 beats per minute after exercise normal?

If it is right after strenuous exercise, then it can be considered normal.

How long do you have to wait to do exercise after having your appendix removed. Not strenuous just a gentle jog.?

The normal wait time after an appendectomy before exercise is one to two weeks.

When can you exercise after a dnc?

You can resume normal activities within 24 hours after a DNC as long as they are not strenuous.

What is the definition of cool down?

To cool down is a period following strenuous physical activity in which stretching or milder exercise is performed to allow the body gradually to return to normal.

How much air do you need a day?

Humans breath at a normal rate of about 18 to 20 breaths a minute. Respirations increase during exercise or strenuous activity to accommodate an increased need for O2.

How the heart respond to the strenuous exercise?

when you exercise, the heart rate increases, (as does your breathing pace), so that more oxygen can be carried in the blood to your muscles. The more intense the exercise, the more your muscles have to work, so more oxygen is required and your heart rate will increase. The quicker you heart rate returns to normal, the better your fitness.

What can you and can't you do during pregnancy?

During a normal pregnancy you can carry out all your normal activities. Smoking, alcohol and drug use is discouraged, due to risk to the baby. It is recommended that caffeine intake be limited and some doctors suggest not engaging in too strenuous of exercise routine.

Should you run after getting a flu shot?

You should be able to resume your normal activity levels after a flu shot. Some people feel tired, achy or have other mild symptoms after a vaccination. Let your body tell you if you should exercise and how much. Listen to it and don't block out what it is saying to you like you might under normal circumstances in an exercise program. For this time, if you don't feel normal, don't do normal activities that are strenuous until you feel better. That should be no longer than a few days. Regular flu shots go in the muscle, usually in the arm. This can become sore in the area of injection. In that circumstance, using the arm in a normal way as much as possible will help that get better faster.

What is a normal experience?

An experience that is completely normal

Do black women experience early pregnancy symptoms that are different and more noticeable?

Of course not. A black woman may have different symptoms to her white friend, but this is just normal variation, nothing to do with colour or race.

Is Bleeding after inserting a progesterone suppository normal?

Spotting while on progesterone suppositories is considered normal unless you experience heavy bleeding or is accompanied with cramping. If the spotting does not subside within a few days or you experience any other symptoms you should notify your doctor.

How is myopathy treated?

Treatment depends on the cause, and goals are to slow progression of the disease and relieve symptoms. Drug therapy; avoiding hard exercise; keeping a normal weight.