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Q: Which theory of personality was a direct reaction against the psychoanalytic and behaviorist perspectives?
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How do children develop a personality?

Chilren develop a personality from a variety of factors. Genetics is very possibly one of them, but how much is disputed by scientists. The enviornment a child grows up in is also key to their personality. A child that grows up in an abusive home will often have personality traits such as over-reaction to problems, lack of trust, and trouble expressing emotions. The childs early experiences as a toddler often help shape his personality. For example, they have linked life-long fears of people to incidents they didn't even remember when they were toddlers. A fear of heights can be linked to a fall from a height that resulted ina badly scraped legs or a broken foot or something of the such. The child's experiences in school and social life will also have immediate affects on their characteristics. The child can also develop traits depending on their role models, whether it is a famous celebrity, but more likely will develop them by a role model such as a parent. The child may subconciousnly adopt them, or may make attempts to mimick them.

Does anxiety slow your reaction time?

Yes, anxiety can slow reaction time for many people

What is the optimal point mean?

In biochemical reaction, an optimal point is the highest point that the temperature and reach in a reaction without causing damages to the enzymes.

Why do you laugh while being tickled?

Laughing when being tickled is our natural reaction

What is compromise reaction in psychology?

In psychology a compromise reaction is one that makes people feel happy. It may not be what the person is really feeling but they do it to make others happy.

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What are the personality traits of a perfusionist?

personality traits of a perfusionist are knowledgeable, brave, confident, smart, cool and quick reaction.

What is the behaviorist view of language acquisition?

The behaviorist view of language acquisition is that children learn language by receiving reinforcement from their parents after speaking correctly (operant conditioning). If a child's parents become ecstatic when the child says "mama", the child will want to continue speaking to get the same positive reaction. If a child gets a sip of milk after saying "milk", the speech is reinforced, and the child learns that it can get what it wants by saying so.

What factors affect reflexes?

Several factors can affect reflexes, including the speed of stimulus, strength of stimulus, health status of the individual, and the age of the individual. Additionally, fatigue, stress, and certain medications can also impact reflexes.

What is the positive reaction of troy story?

The Characters Are Simply Gunius, The Way They Made It Was Phenomenal The Characters Each Have There Own Personality To Make Them Unique And Fun.

A-B-C Theory of Personality?

A (the activating event) does not cause C (the emotional consequence). But instead B which is the person's belief about A, largely causes C, the emotional reaction.

How does Simon's reaction to the Little's express his character?

Simon's reaction to the Little's shows his compassionate and caring nature. By helping the Little's without expecting anything in return, Simon exhibits selflessness and empathy. His willingness to assist those in need highlights his kind-hearted personality.

What is decolonial feminisim?

Decolonial feminism is a feminist perspective that acknowledges and critiques the impacts of colonialism on gender relations, power dynamics, and structures of oppression. It seeks to center the experiences and voices of women of color, indigenous women, and other marginalized groups, and aims to dismantle systems of domination and create a more just and equitable society.

What is involved in the Rorschach test?

The Rorschach test is a projective personality assessment based on the test taker's reaction to a series of 10 picture inkblots cards. This is a German test considered a little controversal.

The bigger influences on individual heredity or environment?

Hence in Psychology terms it is the reaction to the external factors that helps determining the personality issue, as heredity being a constant feature in an individual is a personality born feature and not developed feature or an issue. Heredity is the main factor which determines a person's personality. The DNA makeup of a child have all those characters and personality traits that his parents had. Its no doubt that person's learn through learning and enviornment which affects their perosnality but the point is, a person will learn what he has percieved in his mind and that comes from heredity.

What can be inferred about Creon's personality from his reaction to the sentry's first report in 'Antigone'?

That he is decisive but opinionated,results-oriented and stubborn is what can be inferred about Creon's personality from his reaction to the sentry's first report in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon demonstrates decisiveness and a results orientation when he demands that his law be enforced and that Polyneices' body be unburied. He exhibits opinions when he jumps to conclusions as to the identities of the perpetrators. He manifests stubbornness when he refuses to budge from a single position that he takes.

Is dismayed a character trait?

Dismayed is not a character trait, but rather an emotional state or feeling someone may experience in response to a situation. It is a temporary reaction rather than a permanent characteristic of a person's personality.

Why should you get a dog not cat as a pet?

Most people have allergic reaction with cats (like me) Cat's personality trait is mischievous and sly, while a dog has a friendly trait. (I love cats too by the way, I have nothing against them :)