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Q: Which vice president was a CIA ambassador to the UN?
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Who was the Vice President after Benjamin Harrison?

Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd President of the US and his Vice President was Levi Morton.Grover Cleveland, who was President before Harrison, beat him in 1888 to become President again. Cleveland's Vice President for his second term was Adlai Stevenson (grandfather of the later Democratic candidate and UN Ambassador).

What did George Bush do Before he became President?

George H. W. Bush (41st President) was Vice President under Ronald Reagan from 1981 to 1989. He had been an elected Congressman from Texas (1967-1971), US Ambassador to the UN (1971-1973) and head of the CIA (1976) under President Ford. George W. Bush (43rd President) had been governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000.

Which president served as ambassador to the United Nations?

George H. W. Bush was the tenth US Ambassador to the UN.

What is cabinet?

The cabinet consists of the 15 Secretaries of the 15 major executive departments plus others who hold cabinet rank such as the UN ambassador. The vice-president is also included by some.

Did President Obama ever hold a seat in the UN?

No, he did not. Each country sends an ambassador to the UN, but Mr. Obama was never an ambassador. Barack Hussein Obama was the first President to take a seat in The United Nations. Typically they send an ambassador, Barack took the seat himself.

What did president George HW Bush do before he was president?

He made a fortune on the oil business and then got into government service. He was elected to Congress for two terms and lost a bid for the Senate. Nixon appointed him UN ambassador. Under Ford he became CIA director after serving as diplomat to China. He was then elected vice-president for two terms.

What is the president's cabinet?

The president's cabinet is made up of 15 Secretaries of the various departments of the federal government (State Department, Department of Commerce, Defense Department, etc) plus the Attorney General who heads Justice. They manage their departments and give the President information and advice about their area. Sometimes the Vice-president, the UN ambassador and other officials "of cabinet rank" are included in the cabinet.

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Who is the US Ambassador in Germany?

The current US Ambassador in Germany is Phillip Murphy.

Who is the us ambassador to UN?

Susan E. Rice

Who is the ambassador of Rwanda in UN?

Eugene-Richard Gasana

Who is the UN ambassador to Europe?

Each European country has its own ambassador. You can find a list of them in the Web Link to the left.