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Electromagnetic Waves.

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Q: Which waves have some electrical properties and some magneric properties?
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What waves have some electrical properties and some magnetc properties?

Electromagnetic Waves.

Which waves have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties?

The answer is electromagnetic waves.

What models explain the behavior of electromagnetic waves?

Many properties of electronmagnetic waves can be explained by a wave model. However, some properties can be explained by a particle model.

What electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse (unpolarized or polarized) or circularly polarized waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties. An electromagnetic wave consists of changing electric and magnetic fields. The repeated cyclic transfer of energy from the electric field (weakening it) to the magnetic field (strengthening it) until the electric field is gone, then from the magnetic field (weakening it) to the electric field (strengthening it) until the magnetic field is gone every cycle is the process by which electromagnetic waves propagate without requiring a medium (and is described in Maxwell's Equations).

What are some of the properties of felt fabric?

soft, electrical and heat insulator

What device converts sound waves to electric current?

Microphones will convert sound waves into electrical signals. An ear (i..e human ear) will also convert sound waves into electrical signals.

What is noise in transmission event?

A fuzzy crackling sound will be heard because some of the electrical waves are still being transformed into sound waves.

What are some of the characteristics of matter?

Examples of the characteristics of matter: state of matter, density, radioactivity, thermal properties, electrical properties, optical properties, chemical composition, etc.

What is electromagnetic wave?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse (unpolarized or polarized) or circularly polarized waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties. An electromagnetic wave consists of changing electric and magnetic fields. The repeated cyclic transfer of energy from the electric field (weakening it) to the magnetic field (strengthening it) until the electric field is gone, then from the magnetic field (weakening it) to the electric field (strengthening it) until the magnetic field is gone every cycle is the process by which electromagnetic waves propagate without requiring a medium (and is described in Maxwell's Equations).

What are the functions of the microphone?

A microphones sole function is to convert analogue air pressure waves into equivalent electrical waves for the purpose of recording or converting to digital those electrical waves. Some have minor additional functions such as low pass filter's, preamps, and spit balls (to prevent cymbalism and puffing).

How sound waves can be modelled with water waves?

Not very well, because they're different types of waves. They have some similar properties, but water waves are transverse waves (the water goes up and down, perpendicular to the direction of travel) and sound waves are longitudinal waves (the air vibrates parallel to the direction of travel).

How are metalliods different from metals?

Metalloids have some properties similar to properties of non metals; metalloids have bad thermal and electrical conductivity, they are brittle, soft etc.