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because they were to dumb to read the book

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Whit mentions that George and Lennie must have come to work because he didn't see them around the bunkhouse. He assumes they went to the town for the night.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

he tells them to come and work because the cow loard was calling them

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βˆ™ 10y ago

to go and try to score on some fine young drunk woman

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Q: Whit says that George and Lennie must have come to work?
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Whit says that george and Lennie must have to come to work what reason does he give?

Whit says that George and Lennie should come to work because there is an opportunity to make extra money by working overtime that day at the ranch. He mentions that it's a chance to earn more wages, which could benefit both George and Lennie.

How is Candy relationship with his dog reflective of George's relationship with Lennie?

Candy must look after his dog, just as George must take care of Lennie.

What plan does George come up with after candy finds the body?

George decides to flee with Lennie to a nearby ranch and hide until the situation cools off. He plans to lie to the other workers about the circumstances of Curley's wife's death to protect Lennie from the consequences. However, George ultimately realizes that he must confront the truth and make a difficult decision regarding Lennie's fate.

What says that George and Lennie must have come to work. What reason does he give?

beacuse they had to more days to work beacuse they showed up on a friday

Why does George have to give up the idea of the dream farm once Lennie kills Curley's wife?

George realizes that after Lennie's actions, their dream of owning a farm is no longer feasible. Lennie's actions have consequences, and George understands that he must prioritize their safety and well-being over the dream they had. He knows that they can no longer escape and must face the repercussions of Lennie's actions.

Why must Lennie leave soledad?

Lennie must leave Soledad because he accidentally killed Curley's wife, leading to a manhunt for him. George knows Lennie will not receive a fair trial due to his mental disability, so he makes the difficult decision to protect Lennie by shooting him himself. By doing so, George ensures Lennie will not suffer a worse fate at the hands of the vengeful ranch workers.

How does John Steinbeck establish right away how Lennie is dependent on george?

John Steinbeck establishes Lennie's dependency on George by showing Lennie constantly seeking reassurance and guidance from George, as well as relying on him to make decisions and provide for their basic needs, such as finding work and shelter. Lennie's limited mental capacity also makes him vulnerable and in need of George's care and protection.

Why does George answer all the the questions directed at Lennie?

George answers all the questions directed at Lennie because Lennie has a mental disability and George acts as his caregiver, making decisions on his behalf to protect him and ensure he stays out of trouble. George also answers the questions to help Lennie navigate social interactions and to make sure others don't take advantage of him.

How does George feel about Lennie in of mice and men?

George cares for Lennie like a brother, feeling responsible for him and looking out for his well-being. Despite Lennie's shortcomings and challenges, George recognizes his kindness and loyalty, making their bond strong and meaningful throughout the story.

How is Candy's relationship with his dog reflective of Georges relationship with Lennie?

Candy must look after his dog, just as George must take care of Lennie.

What epiphany did george have in the book Of Mice and Men?

In "Of Mice and Men," George realizes the extent of Lennie's dependence on him and the impact it has on their lives. He also comes to understand that he must make a difficult decision to protect Lennie from further harm.

How does Curley make Lennie and George feel uncomfortable?

Curley makes Lennie and George feel uncomfortable by being aggressive and confrontational towards them. He is constantly trying to assert his authority over them, especially Lennie, and his hostile demeanor creates tension and unease between them. Additionally, Curley's suspicious and jealous nature exacerbates the discomfort felt by Lennie and George, as they must navigate his unpredictable behavior.