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Dodong, Teang, and Blas because they are recognized, adjust to circumstances; profit from experience or undergo a change or alteration; dynamic

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why is it called footnote to youth?

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blas and Tena

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Q: Who are the round characters in the story of Footnote to Youth?
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Who are the characters in 'Footnote to Youth'?

The main characters in "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa are Dodong, Teang, Dodong's parents, Blas and Tona, and Dodong's friends Lucio and Tona's brother, Blas. The story revolves around Dodong's coming-of-age and the struggles he faces as a young husband and father.

Describe teang in the story of footnote?

describe Teang in the story footnote to youth

What is Conflict of the story of Footnote to Youth?

Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age.

Conflict of the story of Footnote to Youth?

The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth has to do with the couple marrying at such a young age. The struggle and have regrets about their decision.

What is the best part of the story the Footnote to Youth?

I like the characters, because I think those characters showed in the story Were based on real life. Like it portrays the perspective of the youth and The reality around us. -nick james poculan

Point of view of Footnote to Youth?

The "Footnote to Youth" point of view is: Omniscient Point of View-the author observes but does not participate in the story. He or she includes the actions, thoughts, and feelings of all characters. He or she makes use of the pronouns he, she, and they.

What is setting of the story footnote to youth?


What is the outcome in the story Footnote to Youth?


What is a point of viewof story footnote to the youth by Jose garcia villa?

The point of view in "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is third person omniscient. This means the narrator knows and can convey the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. This perspective allows for a deeper understanding of the characters' motivations and decisions.

Footnote to youth meaning?

Footnote to youth is the title of the story. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is abrief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. It also indicatesthe sources or the causes why youth act this way.

Why it is entitle Footnote to Youth?

because of thestructure of the story

Describe teang in the story of Footnote to Youth?
