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People under 18 years of age.

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Q: Who cannot sign the consent form?
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Do patients have to sign a consent form for a colostomy?

As with any surgical procedure, the patient will be required to sign a consent form after the procedure is explained thoroughly.

Can a husband sign a medical consent form for his wife?


Why do you need to sign a consent form?

To prove that you gave permission.

Where can you get a tattoo with parental consent?

Arkansas allows it as long as your 14yrs of age and have a legal guardian to sign the consent form.

What do you do if the patient refuses to sign an immunization consent form?

call security or kick them out

Is a business allowed to use your photo for advertising if you have made no consent?

Usually they have you sign a release form to use your picture. Find out what the law says about this. Did you sign a release form?

Should you sign a consent form for a colonoscopy?

Of course you can refuse. You can also refuse the biopsy of any polyps removed. If you're ever in a situation where a colonoscopy is being thrust upon you unwillingly, then just keep your legs crossed and by all avoid the fetal position.

If you get married at 17 in West Virginia are you an adult?

Yes You Can, If Both Parents Sign A Consent Form

Is it legal for minor to sign school disciplinary form without parental consent?

No, it is called forgery.

What could prevent on from being able to get a tattoo?

There are a few things that could prevent someone being able to get a tattoo. One of the most common reasons is if someone is drunk, they cannot sign the consent form.

Do you have to have both parents' consent for an underage marriage in Pennsylvania and can one parent sign if they don't have custody over that child?

If you are under the age of 18, then the consent of the CUSTODIAL parent or Guardian is necessary. So, if this parent does not have custody, then they cannot sign for you to get married.

Does a patient have to sign an immunization consent form before receiving the immunization?

no, verbal consent is sufficient, also if you have gone to the surgery to receive the immunisation you are implying that you are consenting to it.