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Q: Who developed standard precautions?
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What is the name of the federal agency that developed standard precautions?

center for disease control and prevention

What is the difference between standard precautions and universal precautions?

Where infectious diseases are the issue, there is no difference between universal precautions and standard precautions. The suite of procedures called "universal precautions" should now be the standard precautions used in all cases of patient contact.

Why are standard precautions used in addition to transmission based precautions?

Standard Based Precaution is the first step in implementing precautions, whether Transmission Based or Universal Based Precautions.

Which OSHA standard enforces universal precautions?

The blood borne pathogen standard results in the use of Universal Precautions.

When should a nursing assistant use standard precautions?

Standard precautions must always used when delivering patient care.

Do healthcare workers use standard precautions with a HIV patient?

Yes; and they use standard precautions with all patients as well.

When might it be necessary to use additional infection control precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection?

Additional infection control precautions is necessary when standard precautions are not sufficient.They are used in addition to standard precautions and are usually tailored to prevent the transmission of specific infections in the health care setting.

When should Standard Precautions be praticed?

Using proper body mechanics includes

What regulatory body is the responsible for monitoring the observance of standard precautions guidelines?


What are standard precautions?

Handwashing, personal protective and linen, using environmental control measures.

Standard precautions protect you against all routes through which infection is transmitted?


What is respiratory precaution?

In addition to Standard Precautions and Contact Precautions use Droplet (Respiratory) Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with microorganisms transmitted by droplets. Droplets can be generated by the patient coughing, sneezing, talking or during the performance of procedure (e.g. nebulisers).