

Who does a starfish protect itself?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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he is easy to be eaten in the sea

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Q: Who does a starfish protect itself?
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starfish have a hard shell of?

starfish doesn't have any hard shell to protect itself but it does release poisonous stuffs

How does a starfish protect itself from other animals?

Starfish are cnidarians. They have spiny skin, some have nematocysts (stinging cells) and are generally toxic.

Does a starfish have any protection?

Yes, it has a thick layers of scaly skin to protect itself for predators.

How do you protect starfish?

i think one way to protect a starfish is to feed it and care for it

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How does a starfish protects itself?

As an adaptation, starfish have saponins in their body walls, which are very unpleasant tasting to predators. Tropical species of starfish also have armor and spines as their protection. And thirdly, starfish have the ability shed and regenerate their limbs.

Do starfish have predator's?

They have to protect themselves from sea otters and birds

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the starfish which can regenerate itself

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How does a starfish defend itself?

A starfish is unable to bite because it lacks teeth. When a starfish eats, it lays on its pray and throughts up its stomach, similar to a fly, it then eats it stomach again with its prey.

how does it protect it?

how does 'what' protect itself.

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