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Q: Who gave birth to the Greek monsters?
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Who was the fist god alive?

If you mean first god alive, that would have to be the God of the Bible, but the first god in Greek mythology is Chaos. He gave birth to Gaia, who gave birth to the Titans, who gave birth to the Greek gods you hear about in most myths.

Is Leto a Goddess or Titaness?

Leto from Greek mythology is a minor goddess. She gave birth to Apollo and Artemis, who were fathered by Zeus. Hera, Zeus's wife was outraged by this, and sent monsters to chase Leto around.

Was The Greek culture the birth of democracy.?

The Greek culture gave birth to democracy since ancient greeks invented the term and used it in Athens for the first time.

Who gave birth to Hestia?

In Greek mythology, Hestia, Goddess of the hearth or fireside is the daughter of Rhea. Rhea gave birth to her daughter, who was fathered by a man named Cronus.

Who were the first children mother earth gave birth to?

If you're talking about Greek Mythology, Gaia/Gaea gave birth to the Cyclopses, the Hundred Handed Gyges and the Titans.

What sentence best reflects a reason the Greeks created monsters?

Greek monsters embodied people's fear of chaos. Greek monsters often emphasize the difficulty of the tasks heroes are set. Greek monsters represent the other-worldliness of certain places.

Who is the goddess of earth in greek mythology?

The Earth was called Gaea, who in ancient Greek mythology is the primordial goddess of who gave birth to the Titans by Ouranos (Heaven).

How did Greek monsters define themselves?

Greek monsters were truly monsters that humans feared. They were large and had animal parts. Some were also part gods.

What is Earth in mythology?

Earth was also know as Gaea, or Mother Earth in rough English, who was married to Ouranus, or Uranus in american, (Ouranus was the sky) and who gave birth to the titans, the cyclops, and the 100 armed, 50 headed men. She was also known to become mother of monsters, but later created Chimera, who gave birth to monsters and was wedded to Typhon.

When did Zeus give birth to Jesus?

Zeus is a god of the ancient Greek pantheon and is not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible says that Mary gave birth to Jesus.

What does greek mythology say about creation?

In Greek myths, it has been told that creation all started from a dark void named Chaos. Chaos gave birth to Mother Earth which was named Gaia or Gaea, and she gave birth to Uranus, Father Sky. And, the two of them consisted the whole world.

Who is Greek god of monsters?
