

Who had the benefit of humanist education?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who had the benefit of humanist education?
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How did a humanist education prepare a student for life?

The chief concern of humanist education was to?

help people to lead moral lives

What were seen as the advantages of humanist education and learning?

Humanist education in the Renaissance was valued for its focus on developing well-rounded individuals skilled in areas such as rhetoric, history, and languages. It emphasized critical thinking, creativity, and moral understanding, and was believed to cultivate a more enriched and enlightened society. Humanist learning also emphasized the importance of studying classical texts and fostering a deeper connection to the cultural heritage of ancient civilizations.

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Petrarch is considered a humanist because of his focus on individualism, classical education, and the revival of ancient Greek and Roman literature. He emphasized the value of human accomplishments and the importance of human potential and creativity, influencing the Humanist movement in the Renaissance.

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from phyisical education we are able to suport our physical life

Is Ambrose Pare a humanist?

Ambroise Pare is a humanist he was a humanist of the Renaissance and followed the Renaissance Humanism

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spell check

What is humanist symbol?

The Humanist symbol is the Happy human