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as per Traders Joe's kosher list as it is found on products they carry.

U.S. Kosher Supervision

6407 W. Orange Street

Los Angeles, CA 90048

(213) 653-5083

Rabbi Yehudah Bukspan

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Q: Who has the kosher symbol K inside a north American outline map?
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Is toblerone kosher?

Those are chocolate treats that all persons could consume. In terms of kosher certification, it depends on the place of manufacture. Usually, European companies do not use kosher facilities while American companies do. If the toblerone is kosher it will be kosher-dairy and have a hechsher (symbol of kosher-ness). If it does not bare a hechsher, a religious Jew will not eat it.

What does the kosher food symbol look like?

Kosher symbols are the signs on food packaging or eating establishments that show the food is kosher. A kosher symbol will carry a name of a recognized rabbi or kosher inspection agency. When a kosher customer goes shopping, he/she will look out for those signs to know what to buy. Different places have different kosher symbols, so you often need to check with the locals to know what's reliable. Some well-known symbols include: USA- "OK" an O with a K inside, "OU", "Star K" a star with a K inside, "Chaf K" a backwards C with a K inside, CRC (Chicago) in a triangle, "CHK" a large C with HK inside and a crown on the C, "KAJ" UK- "Kedassia" (London), MK in a circle, "KLBD", Australia- Kosher Australia (K in an Oz map), Melbourne Kosher Canada- MK in a circle, COR in a circle. South Africa- "BD" in a diamond. And, of course, a host of Israeli symbols. You really need to know what's what in Israel, because there are a few unreliable symbols floating about. Please note that a plain "K" is never a genuine kosher symbol.

Are capers kosher?

Capers can be kosher, they require a valid kashrut hechsher (symbol of kosher certification).

Is instant hot cocoa mix kosher?

It can be. Check the package for a kosher certification symbol.

Where can one buy food that is kosher?

One can purchase food that is kosher at bakeries that are supervised by rabbis. This will ensure that the food is in fact genuinely kosher. Also, some foods may carry a "hekhsher" symbol on the packaging. If the symbol is on the packaging, the food is kosher.

Is fun dip kosher?

Looking at a package it does not appear to have any kosher symbol, so probably not.

What does an o you mean on food?

The symbol is a U inside the letter O and stands for the Orthodox Union, one of the world's largest kashrut certification organisations. When this symbol is on a food package, it means that the food is certified kosher.

Is the white open nature bread kosher and what is the black symbol on the wrapper What does it signify Is it a kosher symbol?

The black symbol TM merely means Trade Mark. Open Nature bread is not under Kosher supervision. According to Orthodox Kashrut it is not Kosher. According to Masorti (Conservative) Kashrut, if not Kosher certified and there is no Kosher certified bread available one is permitted to eat it. You must determine if it is parve (contains no dairy or meat product) It is forbidden to eat bread prepared with milk, even kosher milk.

Is tinned tuna kosher?

Yes, unless there are any added ingredients which are not kosher. Not all brands of tuna are kosher so you would have to check for a valid hechsher (kosher symbol) on the packaging.

Which bread is kosher?

The ones that have a symbol from a rabbinical organization you trust.

What does the kd symbol on food packages mean?

kosher dairy

Is U symbol on packaging kosher?

The kaskrut symbol (hechsher) is a U in a circle and this belongs to The Union of Orthodox Rabbis.