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Q: Who has the most babies in the world?
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Related questions

Which man in the world has the most babies?

the most man in the world that has the most babies is named Carson

What is the most used name for babies?

Well the most used name in the world is Mohammad. But personally, I wouldn't want to name my baby that. But yes Mohammad is the most used name in the world.

What country are most babies born in?

Most Babies Are Born In Indonesia

Where do tapirs have their babies?

They have their babies where they are most comfortable.

Whatb is the total numbers of babies in the world?

456,000,000 babies

Why are women needed in the world?

women are needed for a number of reasons one most important reason is that they reproduce babies

Reborn babies are nice?

Reborn babies are most definitely nice! Most of them are anyway.

What are the biggest babies in the world?

Blue whales bear the biggest babies.

What are 7 babies born at once?

The most babies that have been known to haven given birth at once is 9 babies. But the most children in one pregnancy (with fertilization) is 15, but none of them survived. Without fertilization though, the most kids in one pregnancy is 12, but none survive sadly.

How are babies of most reptiles different from babies of most mammals?

yes the reptiles develop in eggs

Can you have babies in Sims 3 world adventures on the ipod touch?

No, you cannot have babies on The Sims 3 or World Adventures. Sorry

How many babies are born in a year all around the world?

There are about 359,320,000 babies born around the world each year.