

Who hates America more Yemen or Venezuela?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Who hates America more Yemen or Venezuela?
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South America, or more specifically Venezuela, or even more specifically Canaima National Park.

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There are more then two countries in South America: Some are: Brazil Colombia Peru Argentina Venezuela

Does Venezuela have a president or a dictator?

President Mugabe of Zimbabwe is a dictator. Even though he receives "the votes", this is due more to rigging the elections and suppressing dissent than because the people have actually voted for him.

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It is important to Venezuela to get more tourists for Venezuela and The Amazon

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Well in the modern century there are no Communist countries around because in theory there is no government in a communist society, there are however more and more bolivarian which in government form is more like socialism in south and central America they include countries like : Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay, Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua and others.

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the people don't hate america, america has been helping these people with love, its the crazy government that hate america,alot of americans think that , but its really those crazy government.

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There are more than six Spanish-speaking countries in South America. They include: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bolivia.

Venezuela and Columbia as compared with the Guianas have?

Both Columbia and Venezuela have experienced more success than The Guianas in their transformation away from a plantation economy. The Guianas are three territories located in north-eastern South America.

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Venezuela has a more communist than capital economy.

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Most people live in the western part of Yemen because mountains surround the fertile highlands in the west.

Where in Brazil exactly?

In south america

What is the captel of South Yemen?

The capital of South Yemen is Aden. There are more than 1 million people that live in the city.