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i dont no sooo dont ask me aha

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Q: Who invented N.A.S.A.'s old satellite?
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Related questions

Who invented the satellite and what are they used for?

first satellite was invented by USSR

Where was the first weather satellite invented?

The first weather satellite was invented in United States.

Company who invented Satellite phone pager and radio?

The satellite phone was invented in 1947, by Bell Labs engineers at AT&T. (:

What year was the satellite invented?


Who invented Satellite navigation?


Who made the first satellite direct?

The first satellite was invented by God - THE MOON!

Who invented satellite TV's?

direct TV

What scientist invented the weather satellite?

Martin Polifuse was the scientist who invented the weather satellite in 1960. He lived in USA and he was a major influence in the 1960's.

Who invented the satellite dish?

It was invented by Paul G. Kaminski of Stanford university.

When were satellite phone systems invented?

According to multiple websites of information on satellite phone system, satellite phone systems were invented in the year of 1979. Satellite phone systems make it possible for people to use their cellphones and communicate to each other.

Who was first to invented the satellite?

The very first satellite put into orbit was the Russian satellite Sputnik put into orbit on October 4th, 1957.

Why was the Natural satellite invented?

Natural satellites were not invented they are a natural phenomena. That is why they are called natural.