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The inventor of the wind turbine was Charles F. Brush in 1888.

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Q: Who invented the first wind turbine?
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When were wind turbines invented?

The first wind turbine was invented in 1888. The fellow who invented it was Charles F. Brush.

Who invented the wind turbine?

Charles F. Brush invented the wind turbine in 1888. The wind turbine is an excellent form of alternative energy that many say that Charles F. Bush is a huge contributor in.

Who invented the automatically wind turbine and how?

charle.t.brush did

What was invented in the 1880s-1920s?

wind turbine

Who invented the first wind terbine?

Nobody "invented" wind. It is a feature of the planet; it's always been here.

Why Charles F Brush invented the wind turbine?

charles f bush wanted to make a wind turbine because he wanted to save energy and not make electricity with water but with a wind turbine

When was the first wind turbine built?


When was the first wind turbine created?


Who built the first wind turbine?

Osman khan

What does a wind turbine make?

A wind turbine makes wind for scientific study.

What did Charles f bush invent?

the first wind turbine

What does wind turbine help?

a wind turbine generates electricity for or use