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Q: Who is responsible for a external fire that caused damage on outside of apartment the tenant or landlord?
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In side the rental unit if an apartment the tenant, Outside the community If a home or Single family the tenant

Who is responsible for an apartment building pipe that goes from the top floor to the bottom along the outside of the building and causes flood damage to the 4th and bottom floor?

The Landlord

Can a landlord set up a video camera in an apartment to video tape your apartment?

Not in your apartment. He can put them in the common area, or anyplace outside (not pointed into anyone's apartment).

What is the right of the landlord if the tenant commits suicide?

Landlord can keep deposit and sue tenant's estate if damages to the apartment was done outside of normal wear and tear.

If I am renting an apartment and it floods multiple times due to a faulty drain outside of the apartment what are my responsibilities and what are my landlord's?

Your lease should answer all of these questions. The landlord should take care of what is theirs (carpets, drywall, etc.) They will not cover the contents of your apartment. This is why you should always get renters insurance!

How do you get your electricity turned on in an apartment?

Call the power company. They will ask for a deposit before they put in your meter.

Is the landlord responsible for leaks in the roof that are now coming through the bedroom ceiling?

Absolutely not ......IMHO if you are renting, & it is not specified in your lease or rental agreement, YES the landlord is responsible for the repairs, even the interiors. if the outside leak did not happen, the interior damage would of not happened.

Is the renter responsible if a water pipe freezes?

Generally, if the renter caused the pipe to freeze, for example by leaving a window open, then Yes. However, if it was caused by circustances beyond the tenant's control, such as with insufficient insulation in an outside wall, then it would be the landlord's problem. Source: Apartment maintenance man, Alberta

Why is a external skeleton called external?

External, meaning outside. Thus, Outside(External) Skeleton.

Can you get evicted from an illegal apartment in nc?

Additional info I have been living in this apartment for 1 year in November and there is no lease. The "apartment" does not seem like an apartment from the outside, it looks like a tool shed. If a guest who has never seen it were to walk up to it, they would have no idea it is an apartment. The landlord built it himself, originally so his son could smoke pot there. Oh yea, landlord is a retired cop. Anyways, the apartment has no windows and no fire extinguisher and no smoke detectors. The kitchen and bathroom are all in one room. The only thing that separates the toilet from kitchen is a curtain. I recently lost my job and will not be able to pay rent until I find another job. I have never been late or behind on rent. Can the landlord evict me?

Can a landlord use your last month's rent to repair the apartment?

No. Your last month's rent is that: your last month's rent. The landlord must allow you to stay in your apartment for the last month and not use that money for any other reason. If the landlord collected a security deposit then he can use it to repair his unit: IF you are the one who damaged it outside the realm of normal wear and tear. He cannot use your security deposit as your last month's rent unless you agree to it.

What is the opposite of international?

Outside or external are synonyms.