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As My Daughter is 17(not an adult) and its not her car, It would be the 18 year old friends responsibility, As s/he didn`t have my permision to back my car out.

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Q: Who is responsible for what if your 17 year old daughter lets her 18 year old friend back your car up in the driveway and he hits his own car?
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It is not an offence to back out of a driveway, but it is an offence to back across a lane of traffic.

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Just like any other accident,, You are responsible for the damage you caused. Either file a report with your insurer so they can cover the damage you caused, or pay them yourself for the Damage. It's your choice. The law requires you be Financially Responsible.

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if you're reversing into your driveway and someone hits you its their fault. you were moving away and they wern't paying attention. Now if you went back into the street to straighten out and back back in then it might be your fault, but if you were reversing the whole way and never came back out of your driveway it would be theirs

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Yes, as long as the mother realizes that she is still responsible for the daughter. The daughter lives where the mother wants her to live.

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It certainly sounds like an accident, and I'm sure your daughter didn't intentionally back into anything, however, as the driver, she is the only one responsible for controlling the car. Since you did not say that the other car was moving, I assume it was parked. It makes no difference to whose fault it is as to the color of the other car. When going in reverse, all cars have back-up lamps which should light the way enough. If there was not enough light for her to see, then she should not have backed-up.Added: Short version: The driver in control of the backing car is responsible for backing the car safely.

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How can base housing occupants eliminate the snow plows from pushing snow back into their driveway?

By pushing the snow to both sides of the driveway. (correct answer)