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The direct audience for "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes is the speaker's instructor. The speaker talks to his instructor and describes how they are similar and different. This poem is also meant to be for the audience of all Americans because the poem refers to the experiences of Americans.

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The audience for "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes is anyone interested in themes of identity, race, and belonging in America. The poem speaks to a broad audience by addressing the complexities of being American and the struggle to define oneself in a diverse society.

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Who is the author of Theme for English B?

Langston hughes

When did Langston Hughes write Theme for English paper B?

Langston Hughes wrote "Theme for English B" in 1949. It was later published in 1951 as part of his poetry collection "Montage of a Dream Deferred."

Is there use of alliteration in Langston Hughes Theme for English B?

Yes, there is use of alliteration in Langston Hughes' poem "Theme for English B." One example is in the following lines: "I like to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love." The repetition of the "e" sound in "eat," "sleep," and "be" creates an alliterative effect.

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audience is the English word for audience

Who are the main characters in theme for English B?

The main character in "Theme for English B" is the speaker, a student tasked with writing a page for an English class. The poem explores his struggles with identity and race as he navigates the complexities of being one of the only black students in his class.

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To know how well the poem answers the Theme for English B assignment answers the poem and the answers will need to be provided. Since these are not given then it is not really possible to know the answer.

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Two things to keep in mind when you are deciding to use formal England or informal English are an opinion and the Occasion b occasion and the audience c reader and the audience d reader and the locati?

occasion and audience

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He is young.

Theme for English b which of the following is not one of the speakers characteristics that set him apart from the listener?

He is young.

How is the audience's job different in determining an implicit theme rather than an explicit theme?

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Two things to keep in mind when you're deciding whether to use formal or informal English are the an opinion and the occasion B occasion and the audience C reader and the audience D reader and t?

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