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By the groom.

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Q: Who is the bride unveiled by in a Jewish wedding?
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Related questions

Bride and groom wear on Jewish wedding?

The best wedding clothes they can get.

What does a Jewish wedding consist of?

At a minimum, it requires a bride, a groom, and two witnesses. Everything else depends on what kind of wedding the bride wants.

Who escorts the bride and groom to the Jewish wedding canopy?

At Orthodox Jewish weddings, the groom is escorted by both fathers and the bride is escorted by both mothers. At modern Jewish weddings, the bride and groom are escorted by their parents.

Do Jewish brides wear blue dresses?

At every Jewish wedding I've attended, the bride wore white.

What do the bride and groom stand under in a Jewish wedding?

At a Jewish wedding the groom stands next to the bride, on her left; both of them facing Jerusalem.

Why are Jewish wedding special?

All weddings are special in their own ways. Jewish weddings may have unfamiliar customs to some people, but the wedding is beautiful and congratulates the bride and groom.

Does a Jewish bride carry flowers?

It is not a traditional practice for a Jewish bride to carry flowers during the wedding ceremony. However, some Jewish brides may choose to carry a bouquet as a personal preference or cultural adaptation. Ultimately, the decision to carry flowers is up to the individual bride and her specific wedding customs.

How far in advance should a Jewish wedding be planned?

There is no standard or traditional answer for this. It depends on what the bride and groom want.

What is the name of the holy book that is read from in a Jewish wedding?

At a wedding, the only thing which is read is the ketubah: the marriage contract in which the bride and groom pledge their obligations.

How do Jewish weddings show commitment?

Part of the wedding ceremony is the signing of the Ketuba (wedding document), in which the groom and the bride undertake their commitments to each other.

Who do Jewish people celebrate a wedding?

For the same reasons all other cultures do - to congratulate the new bride and groom.

What does a Jewish bride wear to her wedding?

Usually a white dress, but Oriental Jews sometimes where colorful dresses. clothes