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Jason Wishert of Multnomah County Oregon was elected to the State Advisory Council in July 2006 at age 37.

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Q: Who is the youngest Male ever elected to serve as a Judicial Advisor?
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Which elected officials can serve unlimited terms?

Judicial System

Who is youngest president to serve?

Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president of USA. He was (43 years,10months,18days) when he was elected as the president

What was so historic about JFK's Election?

He was the youngest person to be elected president (though not the youngest person to serve as president - Theodore Roosevelt was only 42 when he ascended to the presidency after William McKinley's assassination), as well as the first Roman Catholic to be elected president.

Who was the youngest president ever in the US and was assassinated?

The youngest person to serve as President of the United States was Theodore Roosevelt, who assumed office at the age of 42, following the assasination of William McKinley. John F. Kennedy was the youngest when elected president and youngest who died.

Who was the youngest preisdent to serve in the US?

Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest to serve. Jack Kennedy was the second youngest and the youngest to win by election.

How are people chosen to serve in each branch?

The Judicial Branch is nominated by the Executive Branch, with the concurrance of the Legislative Branch. The Executive Branch are appointed by the President once he has been elected. The Legislative Branch is elected by the people.

Name 2 people who serve in the Judicial Branch?

Some people who serve in the Judicial branch are Judges and Lawyers.

In what branch of government do officials hold their position for life?

Judicial Branch, they serve in good behaviorThe Judicial Branch members serve for life.

In what branch of government did Thurgood Marshall serve?


Why is there no term limit in the judicial branch?

They serve for life! :)

What are the terms for the judicial branch?

they serve for a life time

What branch has no qualifications to serve in government?

The judicial branch