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Neil Simon in a Comedy called God's Favorite

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Q: Who said We are but an infinitesimal speck on the eyelash of the universe?
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Who Said the universe is god and god is the universe?

there is no such fact,there is only one God.And whoever said that,we know it is not true.

Which word best describes the reaction of the universe to the man's assertion of his existence in A Man Said to the Universe by Stephen Crane?

Uncaring describes the reaction of the universe to the man's assertion in A Man Said to the Universe by Stephen Crane.

The universe is said to be closed if?

it will either be open or closed universe look it up

What does Mr Link say when he interrupts the hearing in to kill a mockingbird?

He said, "I just want the whole lot of you to know one thing right now. That boy's worked for me eight years an' I ain't had a speck o'troubled outa him. Not a speck"

Who said that earth is the center of the universe?


Who said the earth was the center of the universe.?


Which word best describes the reaction of the universe to the man's assertion in A Man Said to the Universe by Stephen Crane?

The universe's reaction in the poem can be described as indifferent or apathetic. It does not acknowledge or respond to the man's assertion, highlighting the vastness and insensitivity of the universe.

A man said to universe sir i exist however replied the universe the fact has not created in me sense of obligation?

Stephen Crane: A Man Said to the Universe

Who said we are an impossibility in an impossible universe?

Ray Bradbury

Can a body at rest said to be in motion?

Any body in the universe is never said to be rest as the electrons inside it keeps moving to and fro and thus no matter on the universe is in standard rest.

Who said that the Sun is the center of solar system or universe?
