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The fable of Revere comes from a Longfellow poem written in 1861 and in reality he didn't ride through the night yelling about the British coming. Longfellow wrote his poem on the eve of the civil war to remind people of the nation's history. Somehow the poem became part of history and was put into history books as fact. Revere never finished the ride, his horse was taken away and he was held by a British patrol, but thanks to Longfellow we all know who he is .

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It was Paul Revere, as the American Revolutionary War was just beginning.

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Q: Who said the British are coming?
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It's been attributed to Paul Revere, but the actual words were supposedly "The Regulars are coming out" - then as people took liberty of the recounting of the story, became "the British are coming" or "The Redcoats are coming". Both "Regulars" and "Redcoats" were names for the British Army troops. He wouldn't have said "The British are coming" as many believe, because many fighting with the British Army during the Revolution where British themselves.

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The Revolutionary War. The British are coming were said when it was noted that the British were close to docking in the harbors during the Revolutionary War in the United States.

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Paul Rever and William Dawes.

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They said this in 1775.

What did Paul Revere warn on his ride to lexington?

"The British are coming! The British are coming!" That's actually incorrect. Although everyone now thinks that's what he said, due to a very inaccurate poem, he actually said, "The Regulars are coming out!" It would have made no sense at the time for him to say the British are coming, because at the time the Patriots still considered themselves British.

When Paul Revere shouted The British were coming What are the names he really said?

He yelled, "The regulars are coming!" because the patriots and colonists still considered themselves British. The army soldiers were called "regulars".