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Q: Who says While in a natural hole it sinks by the center the stress being up-and-down.?
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Based on your knowledge of the characters in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying who do the following words belong to While in a natural hole it sinks by the center the stress being up-and-down.?


Why do people not care about situations while on Zoloft?

Zoloft inhibits natural chemicals in the brain from responding to external stress thereby preventing natural survival signals from receiving there receptors

How can music relieve stress?

Levels of endorphins, natural pain relievers, are increased while listening to music, and levels of stress hormones are decreased. This latter effect may partially explain the ability of music to improve immune function

What are the symptoms of a stress fracture while jogging?

A stress fracture that occurs while jogging may cause pain in the thigh or buttock.

How much stress can you have while pregnant?

When you are pregnant you want as little stress as possible. To much stress can effect and harm the baby.

Does smoking reduces memory?

only while your high, the thc puts the memory center into overdrive but when your not high it goes back to normal. your brain actually makes its own cannabis to relieve stress.

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What is it called when you urinate while coughing?

stress incontinence

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What is the syllable stress in the word while?

On the only syllable.

Are stress and anxiety the same thing?

Stress and anxiety are often used interchangeably but there are differences between the two. Stress is a response to an event that causes physiological stress in the body, while anxiety is a response to an event that causes psychological stress.

Does stress cause Blindness ?

Stress can cause hysterical blindness which is going 'blind' while you freak out about something, yet in reality, you are not blind.