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Until the age of fourteen, the education of children was in the hands of their parents, but supervised by the authorities of their calpulli. every so often they attended their local temples, to test their progress.

Part of their education was a collection of sayings, called huehuetlatolli, that represented the Aztecs' ideals. It included speeches and sayings for every occasion, the words to salute the birth of children, and to say farewell at death. Fathers admonished their daughters to be very clean, but not to use makeup, because they would look like ahuianis. Mothers admonished their daughters to support their husbands, even if they turn out to be humble peasants. Boys were admonished to be humble, obedient and hard workers.

Boys and girls went to school at age 15. Probably this was one of the first societies that required education for all its members, without regard of sex or social status. There were two types of educational institutions. The telpochcalli or House of the Young, taught history, religion, military fighting arts, and a trade or craft (such as agriculture or handicrafts). Some of the telpochcalli students were chosen for the army, but most of them returned to their homes. The calmecac, attended mostly by the sons of pillis, was focused on turning out leaders (tlatoque), priests, scholars/teachers (tlatimini), healers and codex painters (tlacuilos). They studied rituals, ancient and contemporary history, literacy, calendrics, some elements of geometry, songs (poetry), and, as at the telpochcalli, military arts.teachers were harsh if we used the same punishment methods they used all the teachers would be sued for abuse

Girls were educated in the crafts of home and child raising. They were not taught to read or write. Some of them were educated as midwives. There are paintings of women presiding over religious ceremonies, but there are no reference to female priests.

There were also two other opportunities for those few who had talent. Some were chosen for the house of song and dance, and others were chosen for the ball game. Both occupations had high status.

children were trained for adult roles at home by their parents and other family members until their early teens. After that, they were sent to free schools where training for their adult roles continued and other types of studies began. Aztec parents considered their children's education very important. While still infants, children were formally enrolled in the schools they would later attend. Schools for girls and boys were strictly separated, and schools for commoners were separated from those for the nobility.

All Aztec schools emphasized oral communication because Nahuatl, the Aztec language, was not written down phonetically until after the Spanish conquest in the sixteenth century. In addition to their spoken language, the Aztecs used a system of hieroglyphic or picture writing. Specially trained scribes recorded many kinds of information in handmade folding books

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Boyz went to school at age 15. The school was pretty much a military school. Girls at age 4 learned to spin at home. At age 12-13 they learned how to be a wife

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