

Who was put in prison after the war?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who was put in prison after the war?
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During the great war of '65

Which president was put in prison after the war civil war?

Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate States of America.

What was the punishment of a Civil War spy who was caught?

They could be hung, banished, or put in prison.

What was the civil war prison?

the famous ciil war prison was the Andersonville Prison

Why did Andersonville become the most famous prison in the south?

The horrors of Andersonville were essentially incomparable with any other wartime prisons during the civil war. The war crimes committed in the prison were so severe that the warden was put to death for his brutality after the war.

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He was in prison for twenty years

How many people were taken prisoner in World War 1?

Millions of people were put in prison in World War 2 1

If you were in prison during world war 2 and you were a Jew would you go to concentration camps?

Prisoners of war in World War 2 were treated under the Geneva convention for combatants. They would not have been sent to concentration camps. If you had been put in prison for a crime, there was a good chance you would end up in a concentration camp.

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When he got back to Venice, Italy there was a war. And, he the other country (that Italy was at war with) put him in prison. but other thank that I don't know.

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He tricked the Aztec into giving him gold so Cortes put Moctuzuma in prison!

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