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anne bonne- his lover; mary read- anne's friend

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Q: Who were the two female pirates of john rackman pirate crew?
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What were the two female pirates names of John Rackham's pirate crew?

Two female pirates were part of John Rackham's pirate crew. Anne Bonny and Mary Read

What two female pirates were on pirate rackham's crew?

Anne Bonny and Mary Read

What were the two female pirates of john rackham's pirate crew?

Mary Read and Anne Bonny

Who were the two female pirates who were part of John Rackham's pirate crew?

Anne Bonny and Mary Read

Who was john rackham's female pirate crew?

John Rackham was an English pirate who sailed in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy from the years 1650 to 1725. The names of John's female pirate crew are Anne Bonny and Mary Read.

What crimes did Grace O'Malley the pirate commit?

One of the things she did was kill her own crew of pirates and burn their ship.

What types of clothing did female pirates wear?

Female pirates mainly wore men's clothing because women and children were not allowed on pirate ships. Many women went to follow their husbands. Some occasionally wore dresses or revealed themselves to the crew and then dressed like a women.

What did pirates do to male prisoners?

Many cases any surivors were either ransomed, given the option to join the Pirate Crew, or executed.

What is a leader called of a pirate crew?

the leader of a pirate crew was called the captain

What were the two names of the female pirates of john rackhams crew?

Mary Read and Anne Bonny

How do you get a bf on pirates?

you buy him an eyepatch a parrot a ship and cannons hire a crew saw of his leg and give him a peg leg and voila you have a pirate bf

Which pirate crew does Nami from the show One Piece belong to?

Nami is a pirate and the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. She was officially the third member of the crew after Arlong's defeat, and the second to join. She briefly betrayed the crew during the Baratie Arc, but rejoined at the end of the Arlong Park Arc after her past and true intentions were revealed. She has a bounty of 16,000,000.