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Homosexuals (gay men) are at high risk. Also at high risk are hetero men and women who have multiple sexual partners, Commercial sex workers and Men who indulge in sex with prostitutes. Injection drug users are also a high risk category.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Back in the eighties AIDS used to be referred to in the U.S. as GRID or Gay Related Immune Disorder. Now through the wonder of science and a little more common sense, we know that AIDS can effect anyone and is not only a gay disease, but it is transmitted easier through anal sex because the blood vessels can be torn and create an atmosphere that puts the individual at a slightly higher risk of infection.

To answer your question, in the United States the group most effected by HIV/AIDS has surpassed gay men and is now African American women. This has been blamed on the stigma that exists within the African American population towards gay people, and the preponderance of African American men who go on the 'Down Low' or have sex with other men, while at the same time living a straight life with a wife and kids. When these men go 'cruising' for sex with other men, they often end up in unsafe situations with infected people and then go home to their wifes and infect them.

I want to be clear that NO ONE is exempt from getting AIDS, when picking a host the disease does not discriminate. The United States is also not the place largely effected. Africa has the most widespread epidemic of the AIDS virus. This is not because they are a certain race or color. It relates to limited availability of contraception, social stigma and belief about contraception, and lack of education/medical treatment centers.

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14y ago

In the United States, African-American women represent the fastest growing group of infected people.

The largest percentage of HIV infection occurs among MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) however.

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10y ago

The major risk groups are as follows:

  1. IV drug users - They often share needles, exposing them to other people's blood.
  2. People who do not use protection during sex. - Anal sex is the riskiest, and more partners equals greater risk.
  3. Men who are uncircumcised
  4. People who already have another STD - Some STDs create open sores which provide a means of entry for the virus.

Previous to the blood supply being screened, hemophiliacs were at risk, but now the blood supply is safe so the are no longer a high risk group.

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13y ago

All kinds of people! There is not one part of the world that is not affected in some way by HIV. HIV is transmitted through contact with infected blood, semen, vaginal fluid or breast milk. Any person having unprotected sex or being exposed to a person's blood or breast milk may be at risk for infection.

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13y ago

The groups of people who get affected by aids,got it by sharing needles with someone,having sexuel haresment,and kissing(when kissing you can put spirt in someone mouth which gives them some type of sickest).

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11y ago

Physically, the individual person who is infected with HIV is most affected. Emotionally, HIV takes a toll on the person as well as his/her family and friends.

In a broader sense, HIV infection rates are higher in some groups than others. In the United States, men who have sex with men and intravenous drug users are over-represented. In Africa, women married to non-monogamous heterosexual males and the children of these women are most affected.

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15y ago

People who are prostitutes and people in third world countries such as Africa etc.

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How many countries are affected by aids?

Aids country

Where in the world is AIDS found mostly?

aids is mostly found in the continent Africa

What kinda of people mostly gets HIV aids?

Well people that are active in sex, or if you get an affected persons blood, fluids, in the eye, or in a wound.

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Call center jobs can be affected by the hearing aids, in same manner radio jockey or TV presenter jobs can be affected by it.

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yes body parts are affected by hiv/aids.

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Aids are mostly rural issue in Africa because of the dirty water they have to drink.

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There has been a decline in economic productivity in countries affected by AIDS.

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Because one's immunity to diseases decreases when affected by AIDS.

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How has aids affected the economy of sub saharan Africa?

AIDS has affected the economy of Sub-Saharan Africa by reducing the available work force. Many people with AIDS either pass away or are too ill to work.

Will gay get AIDS?

Everyone can get AIDS, mostly by having unprotected sex with an infected person.

Which part of the body part is affected by aids?

Basically all of it.