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Q: Why AM waves transfer less momentum on striking an object?
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The formation of waves is a result of what?

Momentum transfer or pressure variances.

What is the light that strikes a reflecting or refracting material called?

Light. Quantum particles impeding on an object. Electromagnetic waves striking an object.

Light waves striking an object can cause it to increase it's temperature From this we can infer what?

Light is a form of energy

How does energy transfer by waves differ from energy transfer by a moving object?

In energy Transfer by waves, the energy moves through the the medium, for example the water, but isn't carrying the water with it. In energy transfer by a moving object the energy is traveling by means of an object. So, energy transfer by waves can be pictured as a person (the energy) swimming through water (the medium) and energy transfer through an object can be pictured as a person (the energy) riding a bicycle (the object) In the first case the energy itself is moving through a medium, where in the second case the energy is using its power to move by use of an object. Hope this helps you understand!

The momentum of an object depends on what two factors?

For an object to have momentum, it must have mass and velocity.

Light waves striking an object can cause it to increase its temperature from this you can infer that?

From this you can infer that energy has been transferred by radiant energy.

To reflect mean to absorb light waves?

when light bounces off of a bumpy surface, will you see the object the light is striking

The average kinetic energy of all the molecule in an object?

the transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves

Does electromagnetic waves transport momentum?


Do light waves transfer energy?

Do light waves transfer energy

Can waves move objects over a distance?

If you are talking about waves in an ocean or "sea swells" yes they can, the water is moving and their fore apply the force it has (kinetic) and transfers a VERY small part of that to the object. Therefore causing momentum.

What will Waves striking the beach will produce?

Longshore current