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this sounds like a bad infection, try a little baking soda in lukewarm water and dab several times a day, if it has not cleared after 3 days, take your puppy to a vet, you will probably get some medication for this.

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No No No, if that is happpening then you have to put him down. That happened to my dog :(

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Q: Why Green discharge from one eye of two week old puppy?
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Green or yellowish-green discharge is also typically the result of a bacterial infection, such as bacterial keratitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, stye or periorbital cellulitis (a bacterial infection of the eyelids and tissues around the eye

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I would confess my stupidity to my doctor or eye specialist.

Why would a boxer puppy have puffy eyes and discharge?

Allergies? Infection? Foreign Body in the eye? There are many possibilities. The only way to get an accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment is to take the dog to the Vet.

Why is your dogs eye swollen shut and watering?

No, it is not ok, especially if there is discharge from the eyes. Even if it's watery discharge, it can turn into a purulent one within days. My advice is to take your puppy to the vet asap. Also watch for other symptoms - such as nasal discharge, temperature, whether he/she eats well, plays, etc.

What is good name for puppy with one blue eye?

calico! because some cats have one blue eye and one green so CALICO

If a dog has the green pus coming from his eyes could it be contagious to a puppy and could this be serious?

The green pus is mostly dead inflammatory cells and tends to be non-infectious. However, if the cause of the inflammation in the dog's eye was infectious (bacterial or viral are most common in dogs), that infection is very likely to be transferred to a puppy and you may see similar pus coming from the puppy's eye in a few days. I would suggest taking your dog to a veterinarian if this is new and you aren't sure what you are seeing - there could be a foreign body in the eye or a serious infection that needs to be treated to prevent blindness.

What is the symptom of white sticky discharge from eyes?

Eye discharge is a whitish , sticky, crusty, substance that can sometimes make your eyes feel like they have been glued shut. It can be temporary-such as when you wake up in the morning-or persistent, in which case medical attention should be considered. Usually eye discharge is a harmless part of your body's natural defense system, but some cases are serious. Eye discharge can be present in both children and adults, and it affects males and females equally.

When cutting the eye ball will yellow fluid discharge or blood?

The eye ball is filled with a clearish yellow gelatinous fluid which would discharge in the scenario of the slicing of the eye ball.

When can you determine the eye color of a puppy?

When they are born.

What could it be when a dog has some discharge coming out of his eye with no other symptoms?

Some discharge out of the eyes are normal. This discharge is similar to humans in the way of getting rid of dust and other objects from the eye.

What do you do if a puppy has crust over its eye?

Im not sure but i would recommend taking it to the vet... especially if it is a puppy.