

Why Logic is important to Office?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why Logic is important to Office?
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What is role of logic?

Logic is important in computing as it is part of computer language and without it, mathematics in the computer will be impossible.

Importance of logic to bank?

Logic is very important for banking. You have to have an analytical mind to figure out problems and find solutions.

Why is logic important and is being studied up to the present?

Logic plays an important role in computer programming. It also plays a role in clear thinking, and scientific analysis.

Explain why Boolean logic is so important for computers?

Because computers uses binary as its language. And programs are representation of logic.

What is business logic and why was it important for corporate travelers to have online reservation system that included business logic?

Business logic refers to the part of the program that encodes the real world business rules.

Why is logic such an important part of good writing?

because logic is important for correct reasoning. If someone is not using logic his thoughts are irrational and not very well versed either. Good writing consists of good structure and describing your meaning in a way others can understand. This cannot be accomplished without logic Logic is important part of almost everything in life not only writing. Just to list a few: Thinking, Decision making, Any type of communication, Organizing. Anything that is related to the 3 examples will also be included. writing is a form of communication so logic will be important for writing if you wandering to what logic is i suggest going to wikipedia or looking it up in a philosophy book or taking a philosophy class. logic is not a hard concept to understand but surprisingly hard to use. . -prince of excess Answer: It isn't necessarily. I like a poem called Jaberwocke by Lewis Carroll, and logic is not followed.

Why is logic important to law?

Logic link cause to effect, action to reaction and input to output. By finding result, we use logic to analyze. Logic is the basis of learning methodology and decision making. Bad logic link effect to false cause and we called it fallacy. There are many example of bad logic in this world where fallacy give rise to pseudoscience and false hope in medical world.

What is the logic behind naming the different packages and utilities of micro soft office?

The logic behind naming different packages is to create individuality. This will cause different applications to work differently.

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Does Microsoft office have math?

The Microsoft Office suite of products include Excel, a spreadsheet program that provides lots of ability to use mathematical equations as well as logic.

What is important of logic and language in human affairs?

logic and language is a human activity. while communication is going on in human affairs, it takes the place of logic to communicate understanding so as to bring about clarity to the parties involve.

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Type your answer here... why is liability insurance important in the medical office