

Why Name 2 ships in the first fleet?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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To convince people that you are not totally ignorant about Australian history.

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Q: Why Name 2 ships in the first fleet?
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What kinds of ship were on the First Fleet?

2 battleships 3 supply ships and 6 convict ships

What is the name of owns a fleet of ships?

1.) Shipping Magnate 2.) Shipping Mogul 3.) Shipping Tycoon

How many British ships served in world war 2?

Not counting the flotilla of the cockleshell heroes or the merchantmen, there were 885 ships of the British fleet. There were 278 losses.

Where did convicts on the first fleet sleep?

The convicts of the First Fleet slept below decks, in the bottom part of the ship, on wooden bunks. Down each side of the convict ships were 2 tiers of wood bunks which were 1.8 meters square -the size of 2 single beds pushed together. 4 convicts would all have to share a bunk.

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-130 ships in their fleet - formation of a crescent - defensive as larger ships were on the wings and centre- many cannons on the ships were not affective as they were at least 1/2 century old and had inefficient gun mountings

What was the number of ships of the Japanese fleet that attacked pearl harbor?

Approximately: 6 Fleet Carriers, 2 Battleships, 3 Cruisers, 9 Destroyers, 23 Fleet Submarines, 5 Mini-Subs (Midget Submarines), and over 400 airplanes.

When were feral pigs introduced to Australia?

There is evidence to suggest that domestic cats - which then turned feral - arrived in Australia with the Macassan traders who sought trepang (sea slugs) off Australia's northern coast some 500 years before the First Fleet of convicts and officers. Even though the First Fleet had ships' cats, some of which stayed behind in Australia when the ships moved on, cats were already a presence in Australia. Naturally, these cats turned feral once they had to fend for themselves, and with no natural predators in Australia, their population proliferated rather well.

Where did the 2 stallions and 4 mares that were the first to step on Australian ground come from?

In 1788, the First Fleet of eleven ships brought out two stallions and four mares and foals from the Cape of Good Hope. The English horses had perished on the perilous sea journey.

Did Allies destroy french Fleet during World War 2?

Yes, a number of Vichy French ships were sunk in the Mediterranean Sea by the Allies.

What were the 2 places that the first fleet stopped at on the way?

There were actually 3 places that the First Fleet stopped at. The first one that they stopped at was Teneriffe, in Canary Islands, Rio De Janeiro and Capetown.

What were the name of verrazzano's ships?

He first had 4 ships but almost immediately after he left France, 2 of them sank. the 3rd returned to France, so he had one ship, the Dauphine, left to sail to the New World.

What was scapa flow used for World War 2?

A British home base for their Atlantic fleet,I believe the ships used in the destruction of the Bismark came from here.