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Because, "alkali" is basically the term for a base in a liquid form, whereas a base is an alkali in a liquid or gas form so cannot be called an alkali because it is not liquid.

A base which is soluble in water is called an alkali. Both react with acids in an identical manner. (Base + Acid --> Salt + Water).

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Q: Why alkalies are bases but bases are not alkalies?
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What are the differences between bases and alkali in chemistry?

alkalies are bases which are solid substance that dissolve in water to form alkalies (liquid)

What typically feel slippery when touched?

Bases (alkalies).

Why all alkalies are bases but not all bases are alkalies?

Bases have a pH above 7. These are of two types. The one which is soluble is called ALKALIES. The one which are insoluble are called INSOLUBLE BASE. Not all bases are soluble but only some of them are soluble. Eg: Ammonia, Aq. NaOH, etc are alkalies; they are soluble. RS :D

How would you obtain an alkali from a base?

aren't alkalies just liquid bases

Are all alkalis dissolved in water?

Alkalies are those bases which are completely water soluble, so alkali can not be water insoluble.

A compound that dissolves in water to give hydroxide ions as the only negeative ions are what?

such compounds are bases or alkalies.

Is Alkali another name for base or metal?

All the water soluble bases are alkalies as NaOH and KOH.

Are alkalies and base same?

Yes,alkalies and bases are the same. An alkali is a soluble salt of an alkali metal like sodium or potassium. Today, the term alkali describes a substance that chemically is a base (the opposite of an acid).

Are alkalies ionic or covalent?

If you just mean compounds that are alkaline (basic), they can be either. Sodium carbonate and potassium hydroxide are ionic bases, while ammonia and phosphine are covalent bases.

An example of a base which is not an alkali?

The bases (hydroxides) other than I-group elements of periodic table are not alkalies as Cu(OH)2 and AgOH

Are all bases soluble more specifically is H3BO3 soluble?

No, only alkalies, the bases of Ist group of periodic table are soluble in water, H3BO3 is an acid Boric acid and it is insoluble in water.

What is the SIC Code for Alkalies and chlorine?