

Why and how does copper turn green?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Becasue of oxidation!

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Q: Why and how does copper turn green?
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copper tarnish and turn green because of present of iron in it.

If the green color of the copper coating that covers the statue of liberty is different from the color of a typical copper penny what caused the statue of liberty copper coating to turn green?

Acid in the rain reacted with the copper to turn it green. That is why there is sometimes green on pennies. Acid in the rain reacted with the copper to turn it green. That is why there is sometimes green on pennies. Acid in the rain reacted with the copper to turn it green. That is why there is sometimes green on pennies. Acid in the rain reacted with the copper to turn it green. That is why there is sometimes green on pennies.

Does silver turn green?

NO! copper turns green

Why do penny turn green?

The pennies turn green because they are open to the air, because they contain copper, and because copper turns green when oxidized.

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Why does copper turn black when it meets oxygen?

Foolish Fools!, it does infact turn Green! because the oxygen bonds with the copper to form copper oxide, wich is green, it reflects different fractions of light to the copper

How does a penny turn green?

Copper turns green because of sulfur pollution in the air, forming copper sulfide.

Why does copper chloride turn green?

The brown copper(II) chloride absorb water and form the green dihydrate.

Does Hematite turn your skin green?

No, hematite doesn't contain copper so your skin will not turn green

Will pewter turn your skin green?

Pewter turns it black, Copper does turn your skin green though.

How can a green penny turn green?

Pennies are made, or at least coated, with Copper and that copper can oxidize and turn green. Newer pennies have an alloy metal that is supposed to reduce this chemical action.