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The reason why a 4 year is annoying is because they take after your traits like a dog following you is like annoying but the 4 year old does everything you do and say because their brains are maturing.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Because they have not yet evolved into human beings. They are only fetae, embedded in their diapers. Dont worry; they are only a feature of pure imagination- they will soon fade away therefore will not cause any further disruption and/or stress to your development. this process is most likely to occur whilst migration through lemons. I assure you, you will not be required to cope with these imaginary mollusks any longer. I suggest that you simply move on, and hopefully these creatures will not cause any further harm. Good luck!

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Humans go through many stages of development throughout their growth and development; varying stages of physical, emotional and intellectual growth that coincide at regular intervals.

A person (yes your brother is an actual person) who attempts to disrupt the emotions or even the physical circumstances of another is in need themselves. I'm sure that you've heard that bullies at school or in the neighborhood are basically lacking self-esteem. Your brother is not necessarily being a bully, but he does have emotional needs; basically he needs attention. Parents can sometimes be too busy, to preoccupied by serious issues, or possibly annoyed at both of you; at him for his antics and at you for whining about it (sorry about that). Whatever the reason that your parents aren't 'dealing' with it to your satisfaction, there are things that you can do to help yourself. Being the member of a family sometimes takes work.

The first thing to know is that when you react emotionally to his behavior, he's getting a reward, he's feeling some power. Power may be something he needs right now and getting you to react emotionally is a form of power. A young boy needing to feel power is not a bad thing, you probably know how awful you feel in situations that make you feel helpless. But your emotional reaction is not giving him power he needs, it just assuages the feelings of lacking power.

So, what do you do? The very next time he starts to 'get to you', practice not reacting. And avoid a 'long suffering face', practice no expression at all, like you were watching a TV ad for corn flakes. Once you have conquered the emotional response and telling expressions on your face, give him a minute to get some of it out of his system, then ask him an innocuous question about something he's interested in. His school, his favorite sports, his friends, his hobby or interests. Practice really caring about his life and you will learn more about the things that matter to him. The more you treat him like a human being, the more he is likely to respond in kind. But, none of us is perfect; he will act like a 5-7 year old male human sometimes. Just remember that being a 5-7 year old is only temporary and you want to be right up front as more mature human qualities develop. You can even help the process along, teach by modeling appropriate behavior. Showing proper behavior works so much better than telling or yelling.

The more you practice, the better you'll get. And I can guarantee that one day you will be very glad that you have a brother that you can communicate with!

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