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Clouds are not living things as they are made up of of water vapour, which is a gaseous form of water.

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because its made of metal you douche

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Q: Why are clouds not a living things?
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Do clouds adapt to the enviorment?

Clouds are not living things - so are not capable of adapting.

Do clouds have an orgin system?

No.Organ systems are made of cells, and only living things can have cells. Since clouds are not living things, they cannot have an organ system.

How do clouds affect living things?

Clouds affect living things by their cosmic rays. These cosmic rays have an influence on the overall temperature. Humans are affected by the temperature and weather.

Are clouds living things why or why not?

No, of course clouds aren't living things! That would be like calling a rock a living thing. Clouds are made up of tiny water particles that are lighter than air, making them float up in the sky. When clouds get big enough (become a storm cloud), the weight of all those water particles together make rain. And little water particles aren't actually living things, are they now? So thats why clouds are NOT living things.

Is clouds living or non living?

Clouds exhibit characteristics of living things, they can move, and change shape and color. Even though clouds may show characteristics of living, they are non-living. Clouds do not breathe or eat and they do not produce offspring.

Do clouds respond to stimuli?

Yes, clouds respond to light by being evaporated from water. By responding to gravity, clouds precipitate back into water. Although clouds respond to the environment, they are not living things.

Solar energy reflects and absorbs what?

clouds, water, land, people, other living things.....

Is clouds biotic?

No, clouds are not living. They are groups of water vapor suspended in the atmosphere.

Is clouds nonliving or living?


Is clouds living or nonliving thing?

Non-living. A cloud is a mixture of the many things that are a bit higher up in the air (Nitrogen, Oxygen, ect) and water in gas form.Non-living

What living things need water?

There are actually a lot of living things that need water like us humans, animals, insects/bugs, plants, flowers, trees, clouds and birds! I hope that helped!=)

Are clouds biotic or abiotic?

Biotic=Living Abiotic=Not Living Clouds are a form of evaporated water, and water is abiotic, so therefore, clouds are abiotic.