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they are endangered because they get caught in fishing nets and people hunt them for food

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13y ago

because people are killing them or thay are left to die or thay are going to get stranded

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Q: Why are bottlenose dolphins endangered?
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Are bottlenose dolphins are endangered species?

No. Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered.

Where are bottlenose dolphins found where they are endangered?

Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered.

Why are Atlantic bottlenose dolphins endangered?

Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered, as they are the most common dolphin found in the world.

Are bottlenose dolphins endangered?

no because they are the most comon dolphins in the world

Which is more endangered out of Bengal tigers and Bottlenose dolphins?

Bengal Tiger = 3000-4800 remaining Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered. While the exact number is unknown, over 800,00 were counted in the last survey.

What can people do to help bottlenose dolphins not be endangered anymore?

Make sure they don't become endangered. They are not at present an endangered species.

How many bottlenose dolphins are left?

No one is certain of their numbers, but this is a fairly common species, not endangered.

Why is bottlenose dolphins is endangered?

The Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin is far from an endangered species. The animal is the most common dolphin species in the Atlantic.

Does the bottlenose dolphins live by the shore?

Bottlenose dolphins are separated into two groups, the near shore bottlenose dolphins, and the offshore bottlenose dolphins. The nearshore bottlenose dolphins are always located close to shore.

Do bottlenose dolphins have teeth?

bottlenose dolphins do have teeth

Are Bottle-nose dolphin extinct?

botel nose dolphins are becoming extinct because sharks are eating them.

Where are bottlenose dolphins endangered?

There is a small population in a bay near Scotland that is declining, but as a species there is no threat to them at this time.