

Why are customers a stakeholder?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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12y ago

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they are affected by changes to the business, such as price increases, range of products, when it closes etc.

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Q: Why are customers a stakeholder?
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What is the difference between customers and stakeholder?

Stakeholders bear risks of the organisation whereas customers do not bear risks.

What are the Examples of a stakeholder?

A stakeholder is an individual or group of people who have an interest in a business. Some stakeholders are stockholders, employees, customers, the community or society in which the company operates, etc. Sometimes, even the government can be a stakeholder. Anyone that has a "stake" in the company is a stakeholder basically.

Which of these parties are considered when decisions are made utilizing stakeholder ethical theory?

All of these are considered utilizing stakeholder theory: Shareholders, Customers, and Employees.

How a stakeholder differs from a customer?

A stakeholder is a person or an organisation who has a 'stake' in the company. Shareholders are stakeholders. Other examples include: suppliers, banks and even government. Customers are usually considered as a kind of stakeholder.

Who are the stakeholder of Hyundai?

Customers, employees, suppliers, owners, pressure groups, trdae unions and governments.

Who are the stakeholder in American Airlines?

Employees, Customers, Investors, Competitors, Suppliers, Industry, Media, Government Regulators, Communities.

What is a stake holder?

A stake holders is a type of equipment you use in technology.In Business Ethics, a stakeholder is an individual or group of people who provide services to an organization. Alternatively, an employee who works for a company is a stakeholder, or, a customer who buys something from the company is a stakeholder. Some of the most common group of stakeholders are the Customers, Employees and Managers.

Why is the stakeholder important in a organization?

Stakeholders are those groups, individuals and parties that are directly affected by the practices of an organization and therefore have a stake in the organization's performance. Some of the common stakeholders in an organization are customers, employees, investors, suppliers, local communities, etc. One of the importance of stakeholder is that a stakeholder can provide feedback to a company's performance.

Examples of stakeholders?

Stakeholders include vendors, customers, shareholders and employees. Anyone who is interested in seeing the business succeed is a stakeholder for the organization.

What is a market stakeholder?

Market stakeholders are those that engage in economic transactions with the business. (For example stockholders, customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees)

Who is a connected stakeholder?

Connected stakeholders are closely related to business core marketing, economic functions. e.g. customers, Creditors, distributors, suppliers

What is the difference between shareholder and stakeholder?

Shareholders own stock in a company whereas stakeholders are invested in the performance of company. Stakeholders can be employees or customers.