

Why are dogs so restless?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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It depends, walking or running your dog will make them tired.

Dogs are restless when they lack exercise so please spend time with your pet; take him for a walk. It will benefit both of you and build a bond with the pet. If he seems to need more than a normal walk provides, consider adding canine saddlebags or backpacks weighted with water or food. They may also be restless if they lack adequate leadership. Dogs need a strong leader to feel confident. Require your dog have permission before he eats; make sure a human goes through all exits and entrances first; and lead your dog on his walks, don't let him lead.

Another reason could be the pet may have some health problems that make him restless so look for symptoms like infestation or even hunger; feed him well. Finally, dogs that aren't spayed or neutered and don't have a mate, may be restless due to the urge to mate. Either spay or neuter your dog, or provide a mate for him or her.

==Answer == Dogs are restless,(Dogs although has been domesticated but they are essentially wild) because evolution has given a cause to do so.As they belong to group carnivora,they have to be agile always.Studded with some prolific sense organs they need to remain always on the move.With due for a fierce competetion for food,space & dominance the species has to be alert always,so that the survival is guaranteed.Also dogs are communal animal. Thus the restlessness,the playable moods,the hirarchial battles all these thìngs makes the animal more strong and better adapted towords survival & pass the healthy gene over generations.Its no point for a dog in the wild to remain as lethargic as a tree sloth rather than a restless variety,with sharpened sense organs and with a carnivorous instinct,they really are built for the kill.

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