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Because they do not have a nucleus in order to have more space to carry oxygen. Also red blood cells have a life span of 120 days, after that period they die and are reabsorbed by the the liver.

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12y ago

It is due its bound porphyrin moiety which imparts red color. This misconception should be cleared that it is not due to iron bound to porphyrin.

[Note: porphyrin+iron ------> heme ,,,, heme+globin------> hemoglobin]

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13y ago

All of our bodies are constantly adapting. This occurs because the cells in our body adapt too. Red blood cells have adapted to that shape so they are ideal for osmosis, diffusion, and carrying oxygen around our bodies.

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10y ago

The colour of the cells are emphasised by the amount of oxygen contained in them, they always contain oxygen and are red thereof but when exiting the lungs they are full of oxygen and are therefore bright red in colour

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13y ago

To carry oxygen and return carbon dioxide.

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Q: Why is red blood cells are red in color?
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What is the color of red blood cells?


What color is a cell?

Depends on the cell. Red blood cells are redThere are two types of cells. Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells.

Why the color of the blood is red?

blood is red due to the blood cells that form blood. there are also white blood cells but are not seen because of the value of the red blood cells of a greater number.

What color blood cells bring oxygen to cells an take carbon dioxide away?

The Red Blood Cells remove wastes from your cells.

What causes the red color of blood?

The number of white blood cells is out numbered bye the red making the blood the color that it is.

When a person has fewer red blood cells than normal how will his or her color?

when a person has fewer red blood cells than normal his or her color is yellowish

What 2 things does hemoglobin in red blood cells do?

Hemoglobin carries the oxygen in the blood and it gives the red blood cells their color.

How is arteries red?

It is red, because in it, there is red blood cells, which is the color red.

Blood containing red blood cells filled with oxyhemoglobin are what color?

bright red

What substance in the red blood cells is responsible for the red color of blood?

Erythropoietin, which is a hormone released by the kidneys, causes the creation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. These red blood cells are created from haemopoietic stem cells.

What carries oxygen and gives our blood its color?

Red blood cells.

What color is blood that is not exposed to oxygen?

Human blood has red color when oxygenated which is mainly because of red blood cells. Its color changes to purple when present in oxygen deprived circumstances. To restore the color the blood has to be placed in oxygen rich environment.