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The air is about 80% nitrogen- but cannot be used by plants for food. Nitrogen fixing bacteria transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen in the soil that plants CAN use- resulting in greatly improved plant growth, and more fertile soil.

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Q: Why are nitrogen-fixing bacteria contributions to the nitrogen cycles so important?
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Why are nitrogen-fixing bacteria contributions to the nitrogen cycle important?

The air is about 80% nitrogen- but cannot be used by plants for food. Nitrogen fixing bacteria transform nitrogen in the air to nitrogen in the soil that plants CAN use- resulting in greatly improved plant growth, and more fertile soil.

Are Decomposing bacteria and nitrogen-converting bacteria important to farmers?

Decomposing bacteria and nitrogen-converting bacteria important to farmers because they help to send nutrients through the soil. These types of bacteria regulate nitrogen n the soil.

Why are nitrogen fixing bacteria so important to other organisms?

why are nitrogen fixing bacteria so important to other organism

Why is bacteria important to the nitrogen cycle?

bacteria in root fixes free nitrogen ito simple compounds

How is nitrogen important in our lives?

nitrogen moves through living and non-living ecosystems

What is bacteria are most important in the process of?

nitrogen fixation

What is the process by which bacteria takes nitrogen from the air and form nitrogen compounds?

Nitrification, an important step in the nitrogen cycle.

Why are bacteria required in nitrogen cycle?

Nitrogen needs to be fixed before it is used by plants.

Are bacteria important in the recycling of nutrients and particularly nitrogen?


How is bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air into ammonia?

Rhizobium Bacillus is the bacteria that converts nitrogen gas in the air into ammonia. It plays an important role the nitrogen cycle by fixing nitrogen which is otherwise an inert gas.

Why are nitrogen fixing bacteria important?

Although the air is made up of about 80% nitrogen, plants cannot use nitrogen in this N2 form. Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen into the form of soluble nitrates so that plants can use it. Other bacteria, known as de-nitrifying bacteria, change nitrates back into N2, which completes the nitrogen cycle

Why are bacteria that change the form of nitrogen important?

because it is in the food you eat.