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The difference in properties between metal and nonmetal solids (i.e. brittleness, malleability, conduction of both heat and electrical current) is due to availability or absence of free electrons. Contrarily to abundance of free electrons in metals, free electrons are much fewer in nonmetal objects. Electrons that are not bound to atoms are free to roam about, and that is what free electrons do (everywhere) in a piece of metal. These electrons would take impact energy and (practically instantly) distribute it throughout the piece, acting like a bumper in a car. It helps to remember that things are mostly empty space as that is how atoms are.

Atomic properties explain also the difference in heat transfer: metals feel cold on a touch because free electrons immediately take energy from a tip of a finger and 'run away with it.' (We feel something is colder when we give out energy, instead of receiving it.)


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Non metals aren't ductile because non metals lack all properties of metals and metals are ductile.

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most of them . except diamond

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Q: Why are most solid nonmetals brittle?
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What physical and chemical properties are among the nonmetals?

Most nonmetals are poor conductions of electricity and heat and are reactive with other elements. Solid nonmetals are dull and brittle.

What physical and chemical properties are found among the nonmetals?

Most nonmetals are poor conductions of electricity and heat and are reactive with other elements. Solid nonmetals are dull and brittle.

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Yes, in solid form nonmetals tend to be brittle, however, several nonmetals are gasses and one, bromine, is a liquid.

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Nonmetals in the solid state tend to be brittle and poor conductors of heat.

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Some are solid (eg carbon) some are gaseous (eg oxygen) and one is liquid (bromine).

What is an element that is brittle and a poor conductor?

Nonmetals are elements that are brittle and dull.

Is it true that solid nonmetals are brittle?

yes they are A2. Phosphorous is not brittle. Graphite (and graphene) would not be considered brittle. And not diamond. But statement 1 is generally true, with exceptions.

Some properties of non metals?

Nonmetals have high ionization energies and electronegativities. They are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity. Solid nonmetals are generally brittle, with little or no metallic luster. Most nonmetals have the ability to gain electrons easily.

What does it mean if something is brittle?

: Separation of a solid accompanied by little or no macroscopic plastic deformation. Typically, brittle fracture occurs by rapid crack propagation with less expenditure of energy than for ductile fracture. :

How are solid nonmetals different from metals?

Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat; nonmetals usually aren't. Also, metals tend to have a shiny surface.

What are the 5 properties of nonmetals?

They are poor conductors, brittle, not ductile in their solid state, show no metallic luster, and have a low density.

Which characteristics describe most nonmetals in the solid phase?

Solid metals are often shiny, ductile(can be pulled into wires), malleable(can be hammered into thin sheets), and good condutors of heat and electricity. Hope this helped!