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because they relieve the stomach of acids that usually result from food eaten a short time before

because they're anti acid - they neutralize excess acid in the stomach

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13y ago

Antacids are bases, so they even out the pH in your stomach into a more comfortable level.

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Q: Why are stomach tablets called antacids?
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What tablets have antacids in them?

Tablets designed to decrease the acidity in the stomach.

What is the chemical reaction in antacide tabs?

Acids from the stomach (essentially hydrochloric acid) are neutralized by bases from the antacids tablets.

What are antaacids?

Antacids are used to neutralize stomach acidity. You take antacids (such as Tums or Rolaids) when you experience heartburn or upset stomach.

What roles do bases play in antacids?

Bases neutralize excess stomach acid in antacids, relieving stomach pain.

How do antacids work?

Antacids work by neutralizing acid and coating the stomach. Antacids should be taken 1 hour after meals or when gastro esophageal reflux disease symptoms occur. Liquid antacids usually work faster than tablets or chewable. Antacids are useful because they relieve symptoms rapidly. But relief is only temporary. Over-the-counter antacids do not prevent symptoms from returning or rarely allow an injured esophagus to heal.

Which two bases are found in antacids?

Antacids are a base called magnesium hydroxide. They help to neutralize stomach acids and balance out the stomachs Ph.

Who needs antacids?

People with stomach problems.

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How does pH change when indigestion tablets work?

Antacids work by neutralizing the acid created by your stomach. Notice how the name sounds like anti-acid. Other types of reflux pills will block the release of acid into the stomach.

What are the ingredients in acid indigestion tablets?

Indigestion tablets contain three main ingredients, these are: sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate and light magnesium carbonate. These are called antacids.

Why do antacid tablets contain acid?

Antacid tablets are alkaline that take part in neutralisation reactions in the stomach if it is too acidic. It acts like bicarbonate of soda (which people take when having an upset stomach). What happens is that when your stomach is highly ionised, the alkaline reacts with the acid in the stomach (HCl) to higher the pH.

Who invented antacids and when?

About 5000 years ago the ancient civilization called the Sumerians tried to prevent the painful sensation of heartburn and reflex. Since then people have been improving antacids and eventually turning them into antacid tablets.