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Rituals are the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies. It is how the Lord wishes something to be carried out and therefore must be endeared to. Rituals are repetitious by their very nature so that people will not forget.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Besides the particular meaning of the symbol or ritual, both are a means of belonging or being part of the community. Knowing the symbol's meaning and taking part of the rituals lets other know and makes you eligible to be a part of the group, community or family. And the single most important thing about a group is whether or not you belong to it. ANSWER In spiritual matters people of all cultures are dealing with the "unseen". To make the unseen more visible and approachable they create images for veneration and/or worship. The images of the unseen are often placed in a particular site which in time becomes a sacred site where the people may go to perform certain acts of veneration/worship(rituals) thereby rendering the unseen closer and less remote. Answer:

The appended link examines how rituals and other aspects of culture and religion are tied to the human biological make-up. The basis of the discussion is that the ability to relate to and need symbols and rituals comes from an evolutionary need and contribute to our survival as a society.

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10y ago

Rituals call our attention to the divine. By having organized rituals, one can focus their attention on the Higher Being that we call God. This maximizes our experience during our worship services.

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11y ago

To keep the active involvement of the members. It is the same reason that many churches nowadays sing during mass, it keeps the worshipers engaged in the mass at hand. It also validates the position of sacred figures, so, depending on your perspective, it can be argued that they exist to allow people to remain in power.

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16y ago

its a way to express what they want, to have a hand it it happen, thank whoever gave them it and express their differences to other cultures.


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15y ago

Ceremonies celebrate rites of passage and important occasions. They bring theater to a personal level.

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13y ago

to instill a sense of involvement in something bigger than ourselves.

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Q: Why are rituals used in ceremonies?
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