

Why are variables important to science?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Because mathematical formulas can only describe dynamic changes if some elements (variables) vary in relation to other variables.

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What are some science experiments with variables?

A science project that has variables can be an experiment that aquires for variable change.

What are contorlled variables in science?

We Is Doing A Project On Control Variables.

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another word for variables are 'things'.

How many variables are supposed to be in a science experiment?

Most science experiments will have two independent variables. Fundamentally, an experiment will want as few variables as possible for better results.

Why is it it important to control variables in an expeiement?

It is important because without controling the variables, you will be testing more than one thing in the expirament at a time. you could get different answers. you only want 1 variable in science expiraments. you might also want a control, with the "normal one" to compare the expiraments with the variables to.

Why is an independent variable important?

it is important because it is the variable that will never change you dependent variable changes due to your independent variables value

What are variables and independent variables?

those words either mean math or science words

What happens when you change the variables?

If you change the variables in a science experiment, you will probably get different results.

Why are important in random variables?

It might help if you specified why WHAT was important in random variables.

What are variables for science?

Any measurement that can change.

How is a variable used in science?

variables are used by being used in science projects