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Zinc deficiency.

Usually yellow veins are caused by damage to some part of the plant from physical damage or disease, or from a nitrogen deficiency. A zinc deficiency usually shows itself with green veins. To help you decide what the problem is, check out the Web Link 'Citrus Problems' to the left.

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Q: Why are veins yellow on leaves of kumquat tree?
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The leaves turn shades of red,yellow, orange & brown. Then the tree slowly sheds its leaves. The leaves fall of the tree and the tree is completely bare.

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Honey locust leaves are normally green. However, they turn yellow for several reasons. One is that they are simply new leaves that have not yet gotten their green coloring. Two is that they turn yellow in fall, and are about to drop off the tree.

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You have an orange tree Its leaves are turning yellow in the middle of the leaves what can you do to take care of this tree?

Try some Epsom Salts this may be a Magnesium deficiency.

What country does kumquat come from?

A kumquat is a fruit which resembles a miniature orange. It is sometimes mistaken for a citrus fruit, but actually belongs to the genus Fortunella. The kumquat, also spelled cumquat, has a thin, sweet skin with a tart, sour flesh. The kumquat can be eaten whole, though some find its juicy center to be too sour.The kumquat is grown on a tree which is shrubby in appearance and usually about 8 to 15 feet (2.4 - 4.5 meters) tall. The kumquat tree has dark, glossy green leaves and bears white flowers. The fruit itself is oval and oblong or round and ranges from golden yellow to reddish-orange in color when ripe.The kumquat is believed to be native to China, as it was described in Chinese literature as early as 1178. Kumquat trees require a warm summer to grow, but can withstand 10 to 15 degrees of frost without injury and enter into a period of winter dormancy that can last into several weeks of warmer weather. The kumquat can therefore be grown in regions too cold for citrus fruits, such as the tea region of China, although fruits from warmer regions grow to a larger size and taste sweeter.Srinivasu K