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Whales have tiny hairs on their backs, and mammals have to have hair to be classified as mammals, and fish CAN NOT have hair.

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Q: Why are whales classified as mammals and not fish?
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Related questions

Are whales and fish mammals?

Some whales are classified as mammals. Smaller fish are not

Are whales classified as fish?

No, whales are not classified as fish. They are mammals and belong to the group called cetaceans. Fish and mammals are different in terms of their anatomy, reproduction, and other characteristics.

How are blue whales classified?

blue whales are classified as mammals.

Are whales types of fish?

NO! They're mammals.

What are animals that live in the sea classified as?

well it depends some are mammals e.g. dolphins, whales fish: e.g. trout, gold fish

Are whales animals?

They are, but they are classified as mammals. Humans are mammals, too.

What type fish are killer whales?

They are not fish they are mammals and they are whales

What it is the difference between whales and fish?

Whales Are Mammals, Fish Are Not

Are whales fish or mammals?


What mammals are fish?

No true fish are mammals. There are marine mammals such as the dolphin, orca, and whales.

Are whales vertebrates?

Yes, beluga whales are vertebrates.

Are whales the largest fish?

No. Whales are not fish, they are mammals. The largest fish is the Whale Shark.