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It keeps your pH from jumping around from day to day. It is regulated by adding common baking soda that can be acquired inexpensively in any warehouse type food store. I generally add 10 LB to my pool in the spring and another 10 LB if the PH starts to fall too low half way through the season. Hatawa

Read more: What_is_alkalinity_in_pools

There are a lot of rumors, myths and simply put, untruths when it comes

to understanding alkalinity and just how important it really is.

A close cousin of pH, the level of alkalinity in the water is a measurement

of all the carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides and other alkaline substances

found in the pool water.

pH is alkaline dependent; that is, alkalinity is defined as the ability of the

water to resist changes in pH. Also known as the buffering capacity of the

water, alkalinity keeps the pH from "bouncing" all over the place.

Low alkalinity is raised by the addition of a base (just like pH); sodium

bicarbonate is the most commonly used. High levels of alkalinity are lowered

by the addition of an acid (again, just like pH).

I recommend "pooling" the acid in a small area of low current for a greater

effect on alkalinity. That is, adding an acid will lower both pH and alkalinity.

Walking the acid around the pool, in a highly distributed manner will typically

have a greater effect lowering the pH than the alkalinity.

Pooling the acid has the opposite effect. A very important

component of water balance, alkalinity should be maintained in the 80-120

ppm range. Levels should be tested weekly.

I hope this short message sheds some light on the relevance of alkalinity and

why it's so important to properly manage it.

Taking care of your alkalinity will help keep the other chems in 'check' and make

it much easier to manage the overall water chemistry of your swimming pool.

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Is alkalinity dangerous for humans in swimming pools?

Alkalinity is not an actual "chemical", however if you are concerned about increasing the alkalinity in your swimming pool, you are perfectly safe. The chemical that increases "total alkalinity" in a swimming pool, is only baking soda. It wil not harm the human body!

Alkalinity of pool?

Alkalinity is common baking soda. Hatawa

What does raising the alkalinity and pH do for a pool?

Alkalinity readings for your pool is quite essential. When you increase your alkalinity, that makes it so your pH is more resistant to change due to weather, leaves etc

What causes low alkalinity?

Improperly sanitized water or excessive rainfall can cause a low total alkalinity level in your pool. Low total alkalinity can cause pool staining, itchy and burning eyes and skin, and corrosion of metal parts in the pool.

What is the chemical ALK in a swimming pool?


How do you test alkalinity in a pool?

pH strips

What causes low total alkalinity?

Improperly sanitized water or excessive rainfall can cause a low total alkalinity level in your pool. Low total alkalinity can cause pool staining, itchy and burning eyes and skin, and corrosion of metal parts in the pool.

How long it takes for alkalinity to clear pool water?

It takes approximately 2 days or 48 hours for alkalinity to clear pool water. During the clearing process, it is best not to go into the pool.

What does muriatic acid do to metal?

Promotes rust and eats into some non ferrous metals However you cant get out of using it if you have a pool and it is nothing to be concerned about as the concentration in pool water is extremely low

Will adding a flocculant to the pool water lower the Total Alkalinity?


If my pool has too much alkalinity what should you do?

add acid

If I increase alkalinity in my pool will that increase pH?

No. Alkalinity neutralize the acids. Based on how much you put in, will cause a reduction in your pH levels.