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Q: Why can't s waves travel through water?
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Why cant s-waves travel through the core and p-waves can?

P=wave is short for pressure wave. S-wave is short for shear wave. This should suggest a possible reason they behave differently in the (molten) outer core.

What is moving water?

well we all know that we cant live without water. but sometimes we thougt that water is our freind but sometimes not. water cant be our enemy nor our freind. it has different water movements, tides,waves, and tsunami.

Why cant Sound waves in outer space cannot travel in outer space because?

No air. Sound is vibration is something- most commonly air, but sometimes water, metal, etc. There is no air in outer space to be vibrated.

Why does sound not travel in a vacuum?

Won't Sound Travel In A VacuumSpoken sound waves use air to travel along. As a vacuum does not contain any air particles, sound will not be heard.Sound is mechanical energy, and it requires a mechanical medium to propagate. That means that the medium must behave or respond in some mechanical way to conduct sound. Air or any liquid or solid will respond mechanically to the compression and rarefaction of a sound wave. In a vacuum, there is nothing to be compressed, so no sound will be conducted.Because a vacuum does not have a medium (material) for the sound waves and particles to pass through the same with space because there is no air for them to travel through.

Why cant electrons escape copper wire?

It's kinda like a fire if there is nothing to burn the fire wont go there, so with electrons if there is nothing to travel in to (like a switch, a light bulb, a buzzer ect.) the electrons wont go there because they can't just travel through air like fire can't just travel through air.

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What happens when p waves and S waves try to pass through the outer core?

s waves cant travel through it

Explain why cant sound travel through vacuums?

there is no air in a vaccum. and sound needs air for the sound waves to travel through.

Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

Why can't sound waves travel though space?

sound waves cant travel through space because there is no oxygen, and if there is no oxygen there is nothing to carry the sound waves. youre welcom theSas

Why cant they be sound on the moon?

Because sounds are created by vibrations that our eardrums pick-up. In order for the sound waves to travel, there has to be something for it to travel through, either the air, water, solids, etc.

Can compression waves be transmitted through a vacuum of space?

no the only waves that can go through space is the electromagnetic waves and it doesnt need sound or matter to travel.compressional waves have to come off of something and travel{like sound} it cant travel because there is nothing to travel through.the vacuum of space is just nothing and only light can go through as well, but it takes time.

Why cant sound waves travel through foam?

Because sound waves carry energy particles called clots and clots are too large to pass through the low density material as foam

What can light travel through that sound cant travel through?

light can travel through a vacuum whereas sound cant

What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

Why cant sound waves travel through empty space?

Sound waves are mechanical waves, NOT electromagnetic waves. Mechanical waves need a substance to pass through, that is, they need some sort of surface to vibrate against to send compression waves through to the surrounding air. Electromagnetic waves however may travel through empty space as they have no need for a surface, instead, they need only electric and magnetic fields that are present in empty space to pass through. (vibrating electric fields will, in turn, vibrate the magnetic field, which will then trigger a nearby electric field to vibrate, which will make another magnetic field to vibrate, and this is how electromagnetic waves may travel through empty space, but mechanical waves may not)

What kind of waves are mechanical?

Those waves which required medium for propagation are called mechanical waves. e.g sound waves,they need medium i.e solid liquid or gas ,to propagate. They cant travel through vacuum. hope u understand that!!