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subscripts define the ratio of atoms to atoms, or ions to ions in a compound. they are set by the valence electrons, they only fit in certain ways.

why change them other than to make balancing equations easier.

balancing equations is not supposed to be too easy, just work harder at it.

don't adjust the universe to fit into a simple way to look at things.


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The subscripts tell how many atoms of each element make up a molecule or ionic compound. The law of definite proportions states that a chemical compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by mass. Because of this, you cannot change the formulas of the reactants and products in an equation. You can only change the quantity by using coefficients.

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You can't change the subscript. The subscripts show how the elements/molecules are bonded.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The subscripts represent the number of atoms of each element in each chemical formula-if you change the subscripts, you change the compounds the formulas are describing.Source: (e2020)

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